Dig Deeper

We are mostly superficial people, not necessarily in a material way, but in a relational way. Most conversations we have throughout any given day are merely surface talk. Most tasks we complete are menial, outlying tasks that really have no bearing on the bigger picture of your life. We rarely dig deep enough to explore … Continue reading

The “I Can’t” Mentality

So… I was on Facebook the other day and came across this:   TRANSLATION: It’s easier not to try. We’re usually pretty quick to come up with reasons why we can’t do something. It’s easier to say we can’t than to actually make an attempt. This really got me thinking. It gave me a different … Continue reading


Trust. Love.Integrity Three words that are so incredibly inter-connected and dependent upon each other. Not the words really, but the meaning of the words, the action of the words are what is important. Without trust you cannot have love and without love you cannot have trust. Without integrity, you can have neither in the fullest … Continue reading

It’s Just A Game. Or Is It?

Most people who know me know that I’ve been playing sports in a local adult sports league for the past four years. Furthermore, the primary sport that I play is none other than the good ole elementary game of kickball. Once you finish laughing at the fact that I regularly play a sport that is … Continue reading

(fitting in) vs STANDING OUT

There exists a need. A need to belong. A need to “fit in.” I imagine that we all possess this need in some capacity. At times it can be overwhelming. Personally, I’ve experienced the need to “fit in” mostly throughout my lower to mid twenties and I still continue to struggle with it. There’s a … Continue reading

Embrace Your Age

Today, I began my last year in my twenties, the grand finale to my third decade of life. This 29th year of life also happens to be my golden birthday – 29 years old on the 29th of the month. As I reflect back on my life, I am filled with gratitude for the very … Continue reading

Always Ask The “Stupid” Questions.

So often we are afraid to ask questions. Why is that? Mulling this over the other day, I came to the realization that we so often don’t ask questions in fear of how others might react. Fear of being judged creeps in. Well guess what? You will be judged regardless so you might as well … Continue reading